неделя, 28 февруари 2010 г.

Бизнес-дама от българската фирма “Зеком” и нейният директор Роман Романов измамили британци като им продали имоти с фалшиви документи !

Британци, излъгани с имоти, ще протестират в Банско !

Британски инвеститори, похарчили милиони британски лири за апартаменти в българския ски-курорт Банско, обвиниха местна фирма за недвижимо имущество в незаконно присвояване на сградата и отказ да бъдат допуснати в нея, пише вестник “Мейл он сънди”, цитиран от БТА.

Около 70 британски семейства са платили общо над 6 милиона паунда за апартаментите преди две години.
Британците планират да се съберат следващия месец в Банско с искане да бъдат допуснати в хотелския комплекс “Четири сезона”. Те са закупили апартаментите чрез британската фирма “Рокарч естейтс”, която е базирана в Лондон и осигурява български имоти за британски граждани. От “Рокарч” обаче твърдят, че са били излъгани от българския си бизнес-партньор.

“Мейл он сънди” пише, че бизнес-дама от българската фирма “Зеком” и нейният директор Роман Романов били продали 29 апартамента, басейн, СПА център, ресторант, конферентна зала и 30 места за паркиране с фалшиви документи. При пълната неяснота около собствеността на комплекса сега не могат да се изготвят документи за собственост и британците са били спрени от бодигардове, наети от фирма “Зеком”.

Случаят е внесен в български съд, като се очаква решение следващия месец, твърди вестникът. Когато британските инвеститори се оплакали, че не получават достъп до апартаментите Романов им писал: “Всички въпроси ще се решават според българския закон. А това означава само едно - Бог да ви е на помощ!”, съобщава “Мейл он сънди”.

неделя, 28 февруари 2010

Всеки ден / Бг Таймс


Britons march on Bulgaria ski resort - to demand entry to their own flats after being locked out of £6m complex by developer !

By Martin Delgado

Last updated at 1:28 AM on 28th February 2010

British investors who spent millions of pounds on flats in a Bulgarian ski resort have accused a local property firm of illegally taking possession of the building and denying them entry.

About 70 families paid more than £6million for the apartments two years ago but have still not yet been able to gain access.

They plan to gather in the town of Bansko next month and demand to be let in to the All-Seasons holiday complex.
Dispute: Around 70 families will gather in Bankso next month and demand to be let in to the All-Seasons complex

Dispute: Around 70 families will gather in Bankso next month and demand to be let in to the All-Seasons complex.

Investors: Sharon and Paul Hassall paid £200,000 for two apartments

Investors: Sharon and Paul Hassall paid £200,000 for two apartments.

Investors bought one- and two-bedroom flats off-plan through Rockarch Estates, a London agency for British buyers of Bulgarian property.

But Rockarch says it was defrauded by a Bulgarian business partner with access to its accounts.

The woman is alleged to have secretly transferred 29 of the flats, plus a restaurant, swimming pool, spa, conference hall and 30 parking spaces to a Bulgarian firm, Zekom, for a fraction of their real value.

With the ownership in doubt, no title documents could be released and the Britons were stopped from entering the flats by security guards hired by Zekom.

The firm denies any wrongdoing.

There is no police investigation in Britain, but the case has been referred to the Bulgarian courts. A judge is expected to make a ruling next week. The Britons intend to insist on a legal right of permanent access to the flats.

The protest organisers include Paul and Sharon Hassall, who paid nearly £200,000 for two flats. Mr Hassall, a financial adviser from Horsham, West Sussex, said: ‘They were an investment and also intended as a holiday home for us and our four children. Instead we’ve suffered two years of financial stress and worry because of this dispute.

‘We have no complaint against Rockarch, which has done nothing wrong. But it’s hard to make progress in a dispute in a country as corrupt as this.’ Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007 but corruption is still rife.

Bansko, 120 miles from the Bulgarian capital Sofia, is a top-class ski resort. British buyers used to flock to Bulgaria but have largely stopped since the country’s property bubble burst in 2008.
Location: The slopes of Bankso where the All-seasons complex is located - families had expected to move in by the 2008-09 ski season

Location: The slopes of Bankso where the All-seasons complex is located - families had expected to move in by the 2008-09 ski season.

Zekom is run by Roman Romanov, who claims to wield ‘significant political and economic influence among the elite

in Bulgaria’. When British investors complained about being denied entry to their apartments, Mr Romanov wrote to them: ‘All issues are to be resolved under Bulgarian law. This means only one thing – God Help You.’

He also warned that unless the Britons paid for security patrols hired by his firm, guards would be withdrawn, ‘exposing your property to the risk of looting’.

In the latest twist, Zekom has allegedly tried to oust the British owners and buy the site at a knockdown price by claiming a landslide has made it dangerous.

Rockarch Estates director Renetta Katchashka said: ‘This has been a disaster for me. Rockarch is no longer trading because I spend my whole time working on the case. Through the actions of my former business partner, Zekom has acquired assets it has not paid for.’

A Zekom spokesman said the company’s payment for the apartments ‘was done in full compliance with Bulgarian law’. He added: ‘No access is denied to owners who have presented their title deeds.’

http://www.dailymail.co.uk / Бг Таймс

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Lila Georgieva - Bulgarian consul in Chicago !

От речника на Лила Прашката:

"Дипломат е този, който ти казва да идеш на п...а си майчина по такъв начин, че нямаш търпение пътуването да започне !"

Lila Georgieva - Bulgarian consul in Chicago !